MAZIN SHOW / London 15/05/2022


Mazin Show in London

The biography of the artist Mazin Abu Sayf Mazin was born in London in 1975 to a Syrian family who returned to Syria when he was two. He spent his childhood in the city of Damascus. Later the family then moved to the city of Sweida where they lived in their home-town Al Kafer. By the age of five, Mazin’s musical talents began to break free. His skills in translating acoustic/audio tonal sentences to music emerged at a very young age, and he was playing on the accordion solely with no instructor. At the age of 10 his composing talents where clearly sprouting, and he composed the first School anthem. Mazin participated in several talent competitions in Syria and earned the first place in the field of composing and playing the accordion at the age of 12. In 1986, Mazin was sent to the “Soviet Union” to represent his country Syria in camp “Artic” that welcomed talented children from all around the world. Mazin learned from the authentic Arabic music library where he listened to huge composers and singers of the Arab World. His academic excellence did not stop him from following his passion in music and his talent arisen through mastering playing on several instruments; the flute, oud, and piano at the age of 15. After graduating from Damascus University holding a BA in Civil Engineering, Mazin returned to London to pursue his musical dream, also Mazin continued his engineering further study, and gained MSc in Science from the UK, become a Chartered Construction Engineer with CIOB.

Mazin constantly observed western and global music, he collaborated with the British singer Terry Hall in recording his music album. and furthermore, he contributed to recording the melody instruments of the “Oriental Takht”. In 2006 Mazin joined “Nara” band that includes European and Arab musicians and performed worldwide, in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America. Mazin performed with the Arab Singer stars; Ragheb Alama, Walid Tawfik, Assi El Hellani, Majid al Mohandes, and others. Mazin established his first composing album “perfect record label” which was distrusted by Mazin Muzik. Mazin’s Music Project: The fundamental idea of this project conveys a message of peace to the world. The aim is to gather various international musical instruments on one stage and play the music of love and compassion from a Syrian son of a suffering country. Its vision is to confirm that Syria is a great nation that only conveys love and peace. Mazin began studying the western instruments through exams of the Royal British School ABRSM, he studied piano, violin, viola, cello, classical guitar, saxophone, and clarinet. Mazin continued his research in learning the “Oriental Takht” instruments. So he played “Bozq”, “Qanon”. He also searched the music of different nations and gathered a couple of instruments to serve the idea of his project. For example, to mention few; the “bamboo flute” from Latin America and “Bozoki” from Greece. Mazin is heading today to Guinness World Record to achieve a new world record in playing forty musical Instruments solely. Mazin a singer, distributor, and music composer aim to accomplish an exceptional global achievement in the international music.

The biography of the artist Mazin Abu Sayf Mazin was born in London in 1975 to a Syrian family who returned to Syria when he was two. He spent his childhood in the city of Damascus. Later the family then moved to the city of Sweida where they lived in their home-town Al Kafer. By the age of five, Mazin’s musical talents began to break free. His skills in translating acoustic/audio tonal sentences to music emerged at a very young age, and he was playing on the accordion solely with no instructor. At the age of 10 his composing talents where clearly sprouting, and he composed the first School anthem. Mazin participated in several talent competitions in Syria and earned the first place in the field of composing and playing the accordion at the age of 12. In 1986, Mazin was sent to the “Soviet Union” to represent his country Syria in camp “Artic” that welcomed talented children from all around the world. Mazin learned from the authentic Arabic music library where he listened to huge composers and singers of the Arab World. His academic excellence did not stop him from following his passion in music and his talent arisen through mastering playing on several instruments; the flute, oud, and piano at the age of 15. After graduating from Damascus University holding a BA in Civil Engineering, Mazin returned to London to pursue his musical dream, also Mazin continued his engineering further study, and gained MSc in Science from the UK, become a Chartered Construction Engineer with CIOB.

Mazin constantly observed western and global music, he collaborated with the British singer Terry Hall in recording his music album. and furthermore, he contributed to recording the melody instruments of the “Oriental Takht”. In 2006 Mazin joined “Nara” band that includes European and Arab musicians and performed worldwide, in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America. Mazin performed with the Arab Singer stars; Ragheb Alama, Walid Tawfik, Assi El Hellani, Majid al Mohandes, and others. Mazin established his first composing album “perfect record label” which was distrusted by Mazin Muzik. Mazin’s Music Project: The fundamental idea of this project conveys a message of peace to the world. The aim is to gather various international musical instruments on one stage and play the music of love and compassion from a Syrian son of a suffering country. Its vision is to confirm that Syria is a great nation that only conveys love and peace. Mazin began studying the western instruments through exams of the Royal British School ABRSM, he studied piano, violin, viola, cello, classical guitar, saxophone, and clarinet. Mazin continued his research in learning the “Oriental Takht” instruments. So he played “Bozq”, “Qanon”. He also searched the music of different nations and gathered a couple of instruments to serve the idea of his project. For example, to mention few; the “bamboo flute” from Latin America and “Bozoki” from Greece. Mazin is heading today to Guinness World Record to achieve a new world record in playing forty musical Instruments solely. Mazin a singer, distributor, and music composer aim to accomplish an exceptional global achievement in the international music.